My Tai Chi instructor does shiatsu massage. Sounded like a great challenge, having a man massage me. 
         I was nervous, dreading it, feeling very vulnerable especially as I lay down, but I wanted it to happen and it didn't involve being naked or anything. (Apparently if they ask you to undress that's a sign that they're dodgy shiatsu people). 
           I relaxed into it. Lots of gentle rubbing, finger stroking, all nice and then he started pummeling my shoulders with his feet. I sniffed a little. They didn't smell. There wasn't much to say. I lay there and grinned.

Why should I go to Canada when it feels like I'm about to die horribly?
Well... for lots of very good reasons. Most importantly, for my future freedom and loveliness.

My second date, tonight. Oh my goodness.  The pieces are finally falling into place. Not just with romantic situations, but all situations with men and so many confusing and conflicting thoughts and feelings. It's really starting to make sense. But more importantly. I did it. I flipping did it again.