I have two dates. I'm not sure how it happened but it has, and it's happening tonight and tomorrow. Two different men; one tall, one short, both nice. Oh God. The tally of mad notions has begun:

No. 1) I'm going to die.
No.2)What do they want? (This in a kind of sod off tone)
And No.3)They want me. This idea was quite a surprise.

I'm doing EMDR and I've got through the major shakes and some mild non-epileptic seizures. I'm feeling a bit scared and excited but I'm OK. So I'm doing it. I'm off. Ooo this is mad.

I did it. I actually flipping did it. And he was lovely and we had loads to talk about and I didn't freak out. By the end I knew he was a cool guy but I didn't fancy him, so I told him. And I did it. I did the whole flipping thing. My heart is racing, my eyes are wide open and I'm grinning like a loon.

I thought I would be killed today, I knew I wouldn't, but I didn't know. And I was wrong. I was wrong. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. HAMMER AND CHISEL. Hee.
31/3/2012 01:40:02 am

Hope date 2 was another positive experience.


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