Well, I knew it would happen. It had to really. The tree surgeon wants to actually talk to me. In real life. It's probably enough for me to say my eyes are so wide open at the moment they may roll out of my head. 

After some messaging about going to the gym and long walks on beaches, he said, 'How about we chat off the computer?'. I typed and deleted lots of messages including one where I'm essentially asking him if he's a psychopath. I settled for a question, 'Are you thinking phone?' and then I left it to go off and deal with my massive great adrenaline fuelled fear spasm.
        These probably aren't the most positive words to tell myself at the moment but the dominant thought and wish is 'Act normal, please act normal.'
        I'm lovely, I have emails that say so - definite proof of my loveliness. It'll be fine. It'll be fine.  

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